NewsTrials of Gabriel Fernandez Documentary Help

April 24, 2022by Dennis kimotho0

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Trials of Gabriel Fernandez Documentary

FINAL EXAM INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT:  Each student will complete an assessment of the netflix docu-drama on the “Trials of Gabriel Fernandez.” Please note that I have significantly cut back on the assignment and students will only assess two parts relative to the docu-drama as follows;

  1. Assess the family circumstances/dynamics that lead to the death of Gabriel = 1/2 thru 3/4 page (20 POINTS)
  2. Disc/assess the child welfare policies and procedures that were ineffective, organizational structure, Trials of Gabriel Fernandez Documentary Help  interagency collaboration, and weaknesses relative to the bureacratic child protective services agency charged with proctecting Gabriel and other vulnerable children = 2 pages (50 POINTS)

III. What are your conclusions relative to the systems responsible for protecting Gabriel, family, extended family, community, agencies involved. = 1/2 thru 3/4 page (30 POINTS)


  • Requires a minimum of 3 thru 3.5 pages double spaced. Anything less will likely result in less than a passing grade on the exam. Trials of Gabriel Fernandez Documentary Help
  • APA Styled subheadings are required
  • Use APA REFERENCES as needed
  • Paper must be typed using “Word” with not less and not more than a 12-Point Font
  • Paper must be uploaded on Blackboard under the Assignment portal

Trials of Gabriel Fernandez Documentary Help

FINAL EXAM INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT:  Each student will complete an assessment of the netflix docu-drama on the “Trials of Gabriel Fernandez.” Please note that I have significantly cut back on the assignment and students will only assess two parts relative to the docu-drama as follows;

  1. Assess the family circumstances/dynamics that lead to the death of Gabriel = 1/2 thru 3/4 page (20 POINTS)
  2. Disc/assess the child welfare policies and procedures that were ineffective, organizational structure, interagency collaboration, and weaknesses relative to the bureacratic child protective services Trials of Gabriel Fernandez Documentary Help agency charged with proctecting Gabriel and other vulnerable children = 2 pages (50 POINTS)

III. What are your conclusions relative to the systems responsible for protecting Gabriel, family, extended family, community, agencies involved. = 1/2 thru 3/4 page (30 POINTS)


  • Requires a minimum of 3 thru 3.5 pages double spaced. Anything less will likely result in less than a passing grade on the exam.
  • APA Styled subheadings are required
  • Use APA REFERENCES as needed
  • Paper must be typed using “Word” with not less and not more than a 12-Point Font
  • Paper must be uploaded on Blackboard under the Assignment portal


For Trials of Gabriel Fernandez Documentary Help please click here


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