UncategorizedThe National Mental Health Commission

January 24, 2022by Dataman0

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Word counts

It is an important academic and practical skill to be able to communicate succinctly. It is expected that students will adhere to the word limits and not exceed the prescribed limit by more than 2000 words including in-text citations and the reference list. Except in previously approved circumstances, appendices should not be included to accommodate extra words. All text included in the assessment will be included in the word count (as determined by Turnitin).

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Assessment : Critical Reflection  ( Essay)

The National Mental Health Commission


Word limit / length 2000 words




In 2017 the National Mental Health Commission launched “Equally Well”, which they say aims to improve quality of life of people living with mental illness by providing equal access to quality health care. By championing physical health as a priority, Equally Well ultimately aims to reduce the life expectancy gap that exists between people living with a mental illness and the general population. Some seventy state, territory and federal organisations endorsed a national consensus statement.

The National Consensus commences with an assumption that “providing equity of access to quality health care” will bridge the life expectancy gap between people living with mental illness and the general population.

This critical reflection is designed to show that you can review the individual, social and symptomatic-generated influences on consumer’s physical wellbeing.

PLEASE GO TO: CONSENSUS STATEMENT, www.equallywell.org.au

Learning outcomes

This assessment task is aligned to the following learning outcomes:

  1. Appraise the range of barriers that consumers have to achieving physically healthy lifestyles


Assessment details


Write a critical reflection which critiques the ‘Equally Well’ campaign. Provide the following in your writing:


  1. An outline of the evidence that people with mental illness do not currently enjoy “equity of access” to quality health care.


  1. Reference to the literature on determinants of health and wellbeing outline factors, other than access to health care, which may contribute to poor physical health in people diagnosed with mental illness.


  1. Include in your discussion a justification for why nutrition, exercise-based interventions, and pharmacological treatments should be provided to people diagnosed with mental illness.


Assessment  rubric    click here




Introduction & Conclusion :  (10%)


Excellent introduction. Clear and succinct. Outstandingly written conclusion.


Presentation of arguments and evidence that people with mental illness do not enjoy “equity of access” to quality health care: (30%)


Key arguments described. Erudite description of key hypothesised concepts (e.g. diagnostic overshadowing) and extant evidence of inequitable access outlined across a range of health care settings


Outline factors other than access to health care which may contribute to poor physical health in people diagnosed with mental illness:



Both logic and empirical data are presented in support of arguments for specific determinants of health contributing to poor physical health in people diagnosed with mental illness. An understanding of the intertwined aetiology of physical, mental and social problems is clearly articulated.


Writing, grammar and referencing: (10%)

Clear, crisp and coherent style. Very well organised. Free of grammar and            spelling errors. All citations follow required style.



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