NewsSorting String Programming Assignment Help

April 3, 2022by Dennis kimotho0

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Sorting String Programming Assignment

This assignment is to alphabetically sort n strings, each with maximum-length of k = 21 characters. (You
may assume n 1000.) The algorithm to be used is LSD (Least-Significant-Digit-First) radixsort. The
algorithm must run in O(n) time, where one character operation takes one unit of time. You must handle
the strings on a character-by-character basis, one character at a time. (Each character operation takes
O(1) time.)
The strings consist of only upper-case letters A-Z, with no space. The strings need not be distinct. (For
example, there may be several PATEL in a class list!) Sorting String Programming Assignment Help
Each string has at most k characters. Shorter strings must be padded with blank characters (as they are
read from a file) to reach the fixed length of k.
First, read the strings from a text file “f.txt”. Assume that each string starts at the beginning of a new
line and ends with one or more white-space-characters. (An end-of-line character is a white-space.) Store the strings in a two-dimesional array S with n rows and k columns. That is, string i is stored in S[i, 1..k]. Sorting String Programming Assignment Help

For efficiency, once the strings have been read into array S, they must stay in that order and not be moved  during the sorting. Instead, we use a pointer array (array of string indices) P [0..n1]. Initially, set P [i] = i for all i. During the sorting, we move these indices. At the end of sorting, P [0] will be the index of the string which is the first in the sorted order, P [1] the second string in the sorted order, and so on.
At the end, output the strings in sorted order to a text file “g.txt”. Use the same format as the input file,
with each string as one line. (Each string must begin at the beginning of a line and end with an end-of-line character.) Sorting String Programming Assignment HelpSorting String Programming Assignment Help
Notes on naming files: For ease of grading, your program must receive the names of input-file and
output-file from the command line. And these file names must have default names “f.txt” and “g.txt”,
respectively. Then the user will be able to either specify a file name, or decide to go with the default name.
That is, your program will first receive the name of input file.
Please specify the input file (default = f.txt ):
After receiving the name of input file, your program will then receive the name of output file.
Please specify the output file (default = g.txt):
Make sure you adhere strictly to this protocal so the TA will be able to easily specify his/her own file name to run your program

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