NewsPopulism Essay Political Science Assignment Help

May 20, 2022by Dennis kimotho0

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Populism Essay Political Science Assignment

Dear students,
I would like to share the requirements, tips, and the deadline for the
assignment below.

Each student will choose a populist, populist radical right party, leader,
or movement considering the context of Western and Central Europe.

In the paper, students are expected to analyze how their case is an
example for populist right-wing /populist radical right in relation to
readings and lectures; in this case, students should use additional
sources, but please cover all essential and optional sources that the
class provided. Please identify scholarly sources on the subject.

Students should explain how/why a political leader/party/movement can
be related to populism.
Populism Essay Political Science Assignment Help

Populism Essay Political Science Assignment Help
Students will upload their papers to a Turnitin assignment at Bilgi Learn.

I will provide you with my general comments on the whole class’s
performance. If you ask to receive individualized comments, you should
join the Office hour. There will be no compensation for the assignment.

Deadline: 19 May 2022, 17:00

Rules for the assignment:

Please write at least 1600 words (maximum 3000 words), 1,5 spaces, 12-point, Times New
Roman font.

Use references and include a bibliography. Please use APA style –

references should be visible as citations in text and bibliography; you

can find a guide for the references:


Papers should not include plagiarism. Even one copy-paste sentence
Populism Essay Political Science Assignment Help
will lead to receiving the lowest grades. Hence, copy-paste sentences, a

full quotation, using someone’s paper or assignment, previous

assignments, and copying from other texts will not be evaluated. Use

materials and give references, but please do not involve copy-paste

sentences. You can check the link; it provides a piece of information
about plagiarism:
Students should demonstrate knowledge and understanding of readings
and lectures.

Students should discuss supporting details, examples, and knowledge.

Please use a word document.

Students should write their name, student number, the number of
papers, and title on the top of the front page.

Be as expansive as you can.

Be descriptive and analytical.

For Populism Essay Political Science Assignment Help please click here

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