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Organizational Structure Research Assignment Structure 1. Discuss what is Organizational Structure and why it is important in formal organizations. 2. Describe your organization’s organizational structure and include discussion about lines of authority, channels of communication, and dimensions of power. **Be sure to attach an organizational chart that you create yourself to the end of your paper. See an example of one organization chart on page 209 in your textbook. 3. Using your organizational chart, identify two organizational positions/roles a. align 1 of 5 types of power to both positions. Explain your selections. Organizational Structure Research Assignment Help E. Input 1. Discuss what input is and its role within the systems perspective. 2. Identify your organization’s signal input. Explain how your selection fits the role of being a signal input. 3. Identify your organization’s maintenance input(s). Explain how your selection(s) fit the role of being a maintenance input(s). F. Output Organizational Structure Research Assignment Help 1. Discuss what organizational output is and how it relates to the systems perspective 2. Define what an organizational goal and objective is. Explain how a goal and objective compare and contrast to one another. 2.1.a. Identify one official goal your organization seeks to achieve and how its mission informs/shapes the official goal. 2.1.b. Where or in what places does the organization state this official goal? 2.1.c. What is your organization’s objective for achieving the official goal? 2.1.d. Identify whether the objective stated in 2.1.c. is impact, service, operational, or product related and why you believe this to be the case. Organizational Analysis Research Help 2.1.e. Using supporting data, discuss to what extent the organization’s objective is achieving its official goal as stated in 2.1.a. 2.2.a. Identify one operational goal your organization seeks to achieve and how its mission informs/shapes the operational goal. Organizational Structure Research Assignment Help 2.2.b. Briefly discuss to what extent this operational goal is explicit or implicit. 2.2.c. What is your organization’s objective for achieving the operational goal? 2.2.d. Identify whether the objective stated in 2.2.c. is impact, service, operational, or product related and why you believe this to be the case. 2.2.e. Using supporting data, discuss to what extent the organization’s objective is achieving its operational goal as stated in 2.2.a. H. Feedback 1. Discuss what feedback is and its overall utility in formal organizations. 2. Provide examples of feedback occurring in your organization that would impact the objectives identified in sections (G) 2.1.c. and (G) 2.2.c. 3. Discuss and explain to what extent the feedback is positive, negative or both. 4. In what ways should the objectives in sections (G) 2.1.c. and (G) 2.2.c be modified based on the feedback you identified in (H) 2? Explain your answer. 5. Discuss how a social work practitioner might potentially use this analysis and resultant feedback to enhance organizational/employee performance. For Organizational Structure Research Assignment Help please click here