NewsInflation Economic Growth Assignment Help

April 3, 2022by Dennis kimotho0

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Inflation Economic Growth Assignment

Please review the topic called Introduction to Economic
Growth and Instability

a. What is inflation and how can you use the CPI data to
calculate it?

b. List and explain the two types of inflation.

c. Give two examples of who might be hurt by inflations and

d. Give two examples of who might be helped by inflation and

e. Inflation and how to use Fiscal Policy to address the
problem of Inflation. Please review the topic called Fiscal
Policy and The Aggregate Demand and Aggregate Supply
Inflation Economic Growth Assignment Help
Background for this question:

Assume the US economy is currently experiencing high
rates of inflation according to the Federal Reserve. Use only
Fiscal Policy and the AD AS model.

i. List and explain the 3 Fiscal Policy tools covered in
the slides and indicate which tool you will use to
attack the inflation problem?

1. List the 3 possible choices and then just tell me which of
the tools you would select. Just write it down.

ii. Explain why you selected this particular tool and
not the others. Refer to your decision criteria.

Inflation Economic Growth Assignment Help
1. Consider the pros and cons of each of the 3 tools and tell
me why you picked the one you picked and why you did
not pick the other option(s).
iii. Explain how your solution would work to solve the
problem of inflation and what effects your solution
would have on at least five key economic Variables?

1. Explain how your choice of tools would work to solve the
problem of recession. Start with the implementation of
your tool and then list step by step what happens next, until
you arrive at the appropriate impact on GDP. Be sure you
provide the detailed step by step flow.

2. Using that approach allows the list the key economic
variables and how each would be affected, to pop right out

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