BlogguideImprovements of leadership of the organization

August 12, 2021by Dataman0

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Improvements of leadership of the organization Directions Create a 7- to 10-slide presentation that shows your proposed improvements for the leadership of the organization you assessed in Part 1.

Complete the following in your presentation:

• Assess the current culture within the organization at the time of your experience.

• Develop the Change Management Plan using Kotter’s 8 Steps to Organizational Change Model.

• Determine the desired outcome as a result of the proposed change.

• Analyze the alignment between the organization, mission, vision, values, strategies, and the proposed Change Management Plan.

Include detailed speaker notes. Ensure that your slides contain only essential information and minimal text Improvements of leadership of the organization

Directions Create a 7- to 10-slide presentation that shows your proposed improvements for the leadership of the organization you assessed in Part 1.

Complete the following in your presentation:

• Assess the current culture within the organization at the time of your experience.

• Develop the Change Management Plan using Kotter’s 8 Steps to Organizational Change Model.

• Determine the desired outcome as a result of the proposed change.

• Analyze the alignment between the organization, mission, vision, values, strategies, and the proposed Change Management Plan.

Include detailed speaker notes. Ensure that your slides contain only essential information and minimal text

Improvements of leadership of the organization

Directions Create a 7- to 10-slide presentation that shows your proposed improvements for the leadership of the organization you assessed in Part 1.

Complete the following in your presentation:

• Assess the current culture within the organization at the time of your experience.

• Develop the Change Management Plan using Kotter’s 8 Steps to Organizational Change Model.

• Determine the desired outcome as a result of the proposed change.

• Analyze the alignment between the organization, mission, vision, values, strategies, and the proposed Change Management Plan.

Include detailed speaker notes. Ensure that your slides contain only essential information and minimal text

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