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Fertility drugs and ovarian cancer Discussion: Stanford University medical researchers conducted a study on the correlation between the use of Their study, published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, concludes that the use of the fertility drugs, Pergonal and Serophene may increase the risk of ovarian cancer by three times. The lead author of the studies, Professor Alice Whittemore, stated, “Our finding in regard to fertility drugs is by no means certain. It is based on very small numbers and is really very tenuous.”
FDA Commissioner David Kessler would like the infertility drug manufacturers to disclose the study findings and offer a warning on the drug packages. He notes, “Even though the epidemiology study is still preliminary, women have a right to know what is known. We’re not looking to make more of this than there is.”
If you were a manufacturer of one of the drugs, would you voluntarily disclose the study information?
Primary/Initial post to Discussion Question:
Your initial post/response to each module’s discussion forum question(s) should be at least 200 words.
Secondary Responses/Posts to Peer Posts:
Respond to at least 2 other postings with 100 words each, attached student question, Your primary posting can end with a “tagline” or a related question of your own. Your secondary postings can either answer another student’s question, or comment on their answering my question. In addition, please ensure that you answer all of my questions.
Respond to at least 2 other postings with 100 words each, attached student question, Your primary posting can end with a “tagline” or a related question of your own. Your secondary postings can either answer another student’s question, or comment on their answering my question. In addition, please ensure that you answer all of my questions.
Respond to at least 2 other postings with 100 words each, attached student question, Your primary posting can end with a “tagline” or a related question of your own. Your secondary postings can either answer another student’s question, or comment on their answering my question. In addition, please ensure that you answer all of my questions.