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Discuss Interested social groups Introduction: Pick a Social Group that you’re interested in (first generation Asian immigrants, teenage moms, African American males, undocumented Latinos) Write an introductory paragraph based on the research you find on the topic. Body: (3 Paragraphs) for the next three paragraphs find something from each one of the three readings that you can connect to cultural event you chose. Reference or quote what you find from each reading that connects to the cultural event in your three paragraphs. The three paragraphs should be about: 1- Social imagination, 2- Levels of analysis, 3- intersectionality. Discuss Interested Social Groups Assignment Help Your 3 online sources HAVE TO BE social media. Provide the link for the social media post in the references sheet. for the next three paragraphs find something from each one of the three readings that you can connect to cultural event you chose. Reference or quote what you find from each reading that connects to the cultural event in your three paragraphs. The three paragraphs should be about: 1- Social imagination, 2- Levels of analysis, 3- intersectionality Conclusion References: Reference 3 social media posts you used for your essay. Introduction: Pick a Social Group that you’re interested in (first generation Asian immigrants, teenage moms, African American males, undocumented Latinos) Write an introductory paragraph based on the research you find on the topic. Discuss Interested Social Groups Assignment Help Body: (3 Paragraphs) for the next three paragraphs find something from each one of the three readings that you can connect to cultural event you chose. Reference or quote what you find from each reading that connects to the cultural event in your three paragraphs. The three paragraphs should be about: 1- Social imagination, 2- Levels of analysis, 3- intersectionality. Your 3 online sources HAVE TO BE social media. Provide the link for the social media post in the references sheet. Conclusion References: Reference 3 social media posts you used for your essay. Essay must be 5 paragraphs long and must follow the prompts above. Essay must be 5 paragraphs long and must follow the prompts above. For Discuss Interested Social Groups Assignment Help please click here