August 9, 2021by Dataman0

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Assignment Instructions



Preskill, H., & Russ-Eft, D. (2005). Building evaluation capacity: 72 activities for training and teaching. Sage Publications.


Spaulding, D. T. (2014). Program evaluation in practice: Core concepts and examples for discussion and analysis (2nd ed.). Jossey-Bass.

DETERMINING DATA NEEDS Your statistician might want to see your materials well ahead of the meeting. At a minimum, you should provide:

  • Your program plans.
  • Your program goals.
  • What you want to know after the program, in your own words.
  • Your learning goals.
  • Your draft learning assessment tools.
  • Your draft evaluation tools.
  • Who is funding your program.

The program you are proposing is centered on particular goals and outcomes, developed around stakeholder expectations. Building on the instructional components designed in Week 3. This is highlighted and listed below – USE THESE:

WEEK 3 PROGRAM GOALS – Description of Learning Activity

The adult learning activity is a parent and family members mathematics education program. The program follows a user-friendly and familiar progression. The program will include a captivating short, inspiring launch activity that will intrigue parents to learn more, display current information, transform the information through innovative activities, and assist parents in applying the knowledge to help their students with mathematical accuracy. This activity will differ from in-person to virtual. The in-person learning activities include scavenger hunts utilizing mathematics textbooks and peer-to-peer instruction that will mirror reteach activities after the whole group teaches the concept. The virtual activities include the same in-person but online strategies through Microsoft Teams LMS platform, Padlet, HelloSmart Suite, and Khan Academy.

Most importantly, this program initiative will allow using concepts of fractions, percentages, decimals, and algebraic expressions. This program will assist parents and families in the community to support their children in navigating mathematical development. The student learns accurately evolve with the district curriculum.


WEEK 3 – Learning Goals and Objectives

Goal 1: The learner (parents and families in the school community) will increase mathematical skills through understanding the importance of mathematical fluency and comprehension to acquire knowledge to assist their students in academic success.

  • Objective 1: The learner willinterpret a fraction as division.
  • Objective 2: The learner willconstruct equivalent fractions with the number line, the area model, and numbers.
  • Objective 3: The learner will calculate fractions with unlike units using the strategy of creating equivalent fractions.



WEEK 3 – Draft Assessment Plan

  • Developingand creating tomorrow’s citizens is essential to engage in relevant and meaningful assessments that tap into creativity and critical thinking. Erkens et al. (2019) highlighted that this aids in motivation and engagement for the learners when they find assessments to make personal connections to prior knowledge, new learning, and develop new skills. With an emphasis on creativity and critical thinking with assessment practices, this will accelerate learning instead of focusing on mathematical learning loss. The time is now to engage in critical and creative thinking concerning mathematics while collaborating with educational teams to develop authentic and relevant assessments meaningful for adult learners during the summer.
  • Assessment plays a critical role in ensuring students gain critical competencies, not just content. What gets assessed is what defines the expectations for students and what teachers ensure students learn. If we engage students in collaboration but assess content, we have communicated that content is more important than collaboration (Purtee, 2017). The Assessment plan for this program initiative will include formative assessments biweekly that will summarize the math concept reviewed and applied to real-world connections with digital evidence as it is used within the community.
  • An example would be utilizing discounts at a local grocery store with a 25% discount applied as a weekly special.  An evidence example would be a picture via cell phone of the advertisement and the purchase with the receipt displaying the discount and computation.  The summative assessment would be delivered in the form of a survey after each quarter that would ask questions categorically which include the topics of communication, the connection of mathematics at home and with the student, recognition of mathematics in real-world connections, shared decision making with instruction and learning, collaboration with the community, and participation. The rating choices for each category would be sustaining (highest choice), building (second-highest choice), and developing (the lowest option).  The assessment results will be used to redesign areas developing and to use for overall adjustments to the program initiative. DETERMINING DATA NEEDS


Goal 2: The learner (parents and families in the school community) will analyze the overall student achievement of their child to identify how to integrate state common core standards using technological applications from the internet to use to strengthen mathematical skills.

  • Objective 1: The learner will be able to list three websites for better studying using mathematical computations while utilizing netbooks used by students for math instruction.
  • Objective 2: The learner will define using decimals and their role in mathematicsthat connects to the community in real-world applications.
  • Objective 3: The learner will identify situations and questions that should be used for mastering place value and explain the impacts of mathematical literacy skills and analysis through digital media.

Goal 3: The learner (parents and families in the school community) of Mann Learning Community school utilize and apply available technology to prepare and engage student learners (their students) in 21st Century learning. DETERMINING DATA NEEDS

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