BlogguideCritical self Reflection

August 10, 2021by Dataman0

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Critical self Reflection The indicators of a good reflection are:  It is personal to you  It is clear how the learning relates to your role or prepares for a future role  It outlines the content and method of the learning activity  It describes how your knowledge, skills and attributes have developed as a  result of the learning activity.  It identifies any further gaps or learning you did not cover and how you might  fill these.  It describes how your current practice might change as a result You can approach your Self Reflective writing as per the four stages below: 1. What did I expect to learn? 2. What did I learn? 3. What will I do differently going forwards? 4. My actions and next steps

A strong Assignment Critical Reflection Requires addressing to the following  issues: High personal effectiveness:  – Critical self-awareness,  – Self-reflection and self-management; – Time management;  – Sensitivity to diversity in people and different situations and  – The ability to continue to learn through reflection on practice and experience  Critical self Reflection


Critical self Reflection


Assessment Category 2: Written Assignment / Self reflective writing 1 – Critical

Reflection on Case Study

Dear Students,

During the 8 th week, you are required to submit your second written summative

assessment of 1200 words, which counts for the 20% of your overall grade. Please

pay attention on the below Task Requirements:


Provide a critical self reflection of the process of completing assignment 1

For completing this Task successfully, you must read carefully the 8 th week’s content

as well summarize all the academic knowledge you receive from the module’s

content and professional benefits you received while critically analyzed Amazon’s

case towards marketing strategies during the completeness of the summative

assignment 1 during the 4th week of the module.

The indicators of a good reflection are:

 It is personal to you

 It is clear how the learning relates to your role or prepares for a future role

 It outlines the content and method of the learning activity

 It describes how your knowledge, skills and attributes have developed as a

result of the learning activity.

 It identifies any further gaps or learning you did not cover and how you might

fill these.

 It describes how your current practice might change as a result

You can approach your Self Reflective writing as per the four stages below:

  1. What did I expect to learn?
  2. What did I learn?
  3. What will I do differently going forwards?
  4. My actions and next stepsA strong Assignment Critical Reflection Requires addressing to the following


High personal effectiveness:

– Critical self-awareness,

– Self-reflection and self-management;

– Time management;

– Sensitivity to diversity in people and different situations and

– The ability to continue to learn through reflection on practice and experience.

Guidelines for completion:

  1. The word limit is 1,200 words, +/- 10% inclusive of appendices. Bear in mind that

the appendices count towards the word limit so avoid including organisational

material such as annual reports in any appendices.

  1. Where you quote directly or take ideas from something you have read you must

reference these correctly using the Harvard referencing system, not numbered


  1. Assignments should be word-processed in Times New Roman 12 point type.
  2. As this is a self reflective practice within your writing you can use of the first

person such as ‘I’ or ‘we’.


You are free to quote directly or indirectly from any publication, provided that you

give a reference for the author or originator. In other words, if the research or the

views you cite are not your own, then you MUST acknowledge your source(s), in

accordance with the Harvard style whereby citations are made in the text by author

and date, with a full alphabetical listing at the end of the paper. If you fail to

acknowledge your sources, you run the risk of being accused of plagiarism, which is

an academic offence. The University’s guidelines on academic offences are available


Please note that tutors cannot read large amounts of material prior to handing in, so

please do not ask them to do so. We can advise on style and overall structure but will

not proof read. Draft assignments cannot be evaluated by module staff. Please

submit your work through the Turnitin link set up in the Assessment folder on the module’s Blackboard site. Please use your University identification number, not your

name, and ensure that the document is clearly marked in terms of your Scheme, the

module and the module leader. Number each page of the document submitted. It is

recommended that you place your identification number on each separate page of

the document.

Length: A word processed self reflective essay of 1,200 (+/- 10%) words (inclusive

of appendices, NOT inclusive of references).

Submission deadline: End o

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