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Community Problem Research Proposal Project
Define a problem affecting a community that you belong to and research the causes of that
problem. Then, propose a specific solution, taking care to define the parameters of your proposal and
explain how it can be implemented. Finally, defend your proposal by discussing how it will address the
problem and outlining any additional potential benefits. Your proposal should:
• Provide adequate background information regarding the problem you intend to solve. This may
include a description of the problem, a discussion of what makes the problem significant, and an
enumeration of some of the solutions already proposed by others.
• Propose your own solution in a clear thesis statement.
• Discuss how your solution will be implemented. Community Problem Research Proposal Project Help
• Provide support for your proposal by explaining how it will alleviate the problem and by enumerating any additional benefits.
• Account for and respond to possible objections.
• Conclude by summarizing your proposal, discussing its significance, and offering a powerful
emotional appeal.
Learning Objectives:
• To provide experience in utilizing the rhetorical strategies of argument to make real change in the
• To provide experience synthesizing different genres of argument in a single text.
• To provide experience with engaging an on–going conversation conducted in and through written
texts. Community Problem Research Proposal Project Help
• To provide practice with the strategies of academic writing, including critical analysis, crafting
thesis statements, crafting supporting paragraphs, responding to objections, and incorporating
Audience: MTSU Academic Community. Do not assume the audience has read the essays you are
discussing. Provide enough details about the author and the essay for the reader to understand both their positions and your own.
• Review Chapter 12 of your textbook for help thinking through the kinds of claims and strategies
of support typical of proposals.
• Try framing your proposed solution as a call to action in the thesis statement:
o E.g. If we really want to solve problem X, we must do A, B, C.
• Use a range of evidence types (facts, statistics, examples, authorities, analogies) as support in
order to engage all the rhetorical appeals (ethos, pathos, and logos) Community Problem Research Proposal Project Help
• For help organizing your essay, refer to the sample proposals included in your textbook on pages
Requirements: 3–5 typed pages. Double Spaced. Include the standard assignment block in the upper
left–hand corner (i.e. Your Name / Class Name / Instructor Name / Type of Assignment / Date). Use MLA
style and formatting throughout. Use the appropriate tone for an academic essay, as well as correct
grammar, spelling, and punctuation. This essay requires a minimum of three outside sources. All sources
should be cited both in the text of your essay and in a separate works cited page
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