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Corporate Culture Preference Scale Individual Assignment #2 (20%) – MGMT 601
Due August 14, 2021, 11:55 pm (PST)
Scale For this assignment, login into CONNECT and click the link for “Course Wide Resources & Additional
Click the link called “Corporate Culture Preference Scale?” and take the assessment to assess which
type of Corporate Culture you are best suited to, based upon your preferences.
Write a paper using APA format (no abstract needed) including the following sections:
- An introduction
- Summarize AND analyse your results in the four categories of your results. Are you surprised by
any of your results?
- Assuming you have been offered two very similar jobs with similar remuneration and benefits in
two different companies, and that you want to make your decision based on the more desirable
and suitable culture, what are six questions you might ask your interview panel that would help
you understand whether that company’s culture is the right fit for you? State the exact
questions you would ask and explain what you expect to learn from their answers.
- How else can you figure out whether a company’s culture is a good fit for you?
- A brief conclusion.
Support your paper with 6-8 peer-reviewed scholarly research sources, with one being your textbook.
Organise your paper with proper APA headings and subheadings for clarity and readability.
The paper should be no longer than 1,500 words.
Submit your paper to the Turnitin dropbox on the course Moodle page.
Before you get started, please carefully review the marking rubric below.