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Case Study AnalysisOnline Documentary: A1 further info
Assessment item 1: Case Study Analysis
Weighting: 45%
Task: Case Study Analysis Working individually, students research and analyse an existing online documentary project that
engages with their own research, interests or professional concerns. Students will critically reflect on the
selected project, discussing issues such as the context, platform choice, interface design, structure and
navigation, user experience, social media integration, innovation or other relevant issues.
Length: 1500 words and 5-8 annotated screen grabs
Due: 10am Monday 30 August 2021
- Clarity of report. 30%
- Depth of analysis. 35%
- Depth of relevant critical reflection and analysis with regard to issues examined during classes 35%
Further Information:
Write a 1500 word report supplemented by 5-8 annotated screen grabs analysing an existing online
documentary project that is of interest to you and intersects with your own research, interests or
professional concerns. You are drawing out and expanding on issues we discuss in early classes concerning
platform choice, audience, interface design, structure and navigation, user experience, social media
integration, innovation, etc. You should attempt to include academic references where relevant – the
readings in the course outline are a good starting point. Case Study Analysis
You should include a short general synopsis/background context:
- what is it?
- who produced it?
- what is its purpose?
- If it falls within a particular genre, e.g., serious game, data visualisation, transmedia, VR, AR, etc. –
let us know
You also need to reflect and comment on issues such as:
- Platform choice
- The interface design
- The project structure/architecture
- The user experience – including a description of the kind of experience being crafted for an
audience (e.g. exploration of an environment; exploring an unfolding story over multiple scenes or
chapters; a game-like experience or serious game; accessing multiple points of view; project crafted
specifically for a mobile or location specific experience; social media focused experience that plays
out over a specific timeframe; data-driven experience; VR experience placing you inside an
environment and narrative experience, etc.)
- You should also discuss issues such as degree of non-linear navigation/ exploration, its usability
i.e., how easy, or intuitive is it to find, get to or navigate through content? How smooth and
intuitive are the interactions? Is it complex or confusing to use?
- Does it utilise social media in interesting ways? How is social media integrated in the project?
- Is it in some way innovative that is worth noting?
You might wish to discuss how it draws upon affordances relating to interactive digital media, e.g.
participation; interaction; liveness; virtuality; location; multiple POV etc.
There are no right answers for this – it is about you reflecting, critiquing, researching and forming an
opinion. You should flesh out and support your case study with relevant academic references and other
credible material. Issues raised in the first few weeks of classes will form the framework for your analysis.
Consider using subheadings to bring attention to various aspects rather than writing it as an essay, e.g.,
project synopsis; background context; platform choice; user experience etc. You might wish to bring 2
attention to areas that you find very interesting, engaging or perhaps even problematic. You may wish to
finish with a short summary of your overall experience and feedback.
There are links to A1 examples from 2020 available in Canvas under Assignments > Assessment task 1:
Case Study Analysis (note: the specified word count for these examples was shorter and fewer annotated
screen grabs were required).
Please note you are to submit your case study analysis via Turnitin in Canvas.
Recommended projects:
To simplify things this semester, we are providing a list of possible projects that you can choose from. You
can go outside of this list but if you do, make sure that the project is an interactive documentary project
not simply a linear documentary posted online or promotional material. You need to check any projects
that are not on this list with your tutor by providing the URL to them before you get too far along.
Eva.Stories (Instagram doco) https://www.instagram.com/eva.stories/?hl=en
Missing https://www.sbs.com.au/missing/
The Amazon Race https://ab.co/2BUEHtA
My Grandmothers Lingo https://www.sbs.com.au/mygrandmotherslingo/
Generation COVID https://tinyurl.com/y7jpfhaj
SBS Storyline – https://www.sbs.com.au/storyline/
Hollow (best viewed on Chrome) http://hollowdocumentary.com/
The Shore Line https://theshorelineproject.org/
Welcome to Pine Point http://pinepoint.nfb.ca/#/pinepoint
The Great Animal Orchestra http://www.legrandorchestredesanimaux.com/en
Thank You for Playing http://thankyouforplaying.nfb.ca/#!/
She Called Me Red: SBS Instagram Documentary https://bit.ly/2T3x4vC
Slavery Footprint http://slaveryfootprint.org/
SelfieCity http://selfiecity.net/
The {And} https://www.theand.us/
The Killing Times https://tinyurl.com/y4apurnq
Hey Stranger, What’s On Your Phone https://ab.co/2StxGFl
The Last Generation http://apps.frontline.org/the-last-generation/
I’m Your Man http://www.sbs.com.au/imyourman/
It Was Me https://itwasme.abettermanfilm.com/?/
Soundtrails http://soundtrails.com.au/#
do not track https://donottrack-doc.com/
Within VR projects https://www.with.in/ such as
* Clouds over sidra https://www.with.in/watch/clouds-over-sidra/
Far away from far away https://faraway.nfb.ca/
Nobody loves you more than me https://www.sbs.com.au/margarete/
Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow https://yesterday.nfb.ca/
See Rubric over page3
A1 Case Study Rubric
High Distinction
Clarity of
The case study
lacks clarity and
coherence –
content is poorly
Annotated screen
grabs may be
The case study may
have some errors in
expression, but the
content is generally
The work would
benefit from
further editing to
improve clarity.
Annotated screen
grabs are evident.
The case study is
generally well
expressed and
conveys the key
ideas. May be
some slight issues
with clarity of
expression, ideas,
or structure.
Annotated screen
grabs are evident
and relevant to the
The case study is
very well expressed
and structured.
There is a logical
flow of ideas and a
well thought
through critique
Annotated screen
grabs are evident
and used well to
convey the
The case study is
written with a high
level of attention to
detail and insight. The Case Study Analysis
student has made
excellent use of the
available words to
create a highly
developed and
thought provoking
critique. Annotated
screen grabs are
carefully integrated
to add further depth
to the argument.
Depth of
Lacking or
analysis of the
Provides a
reasonable analysis
of the work
however it may be
References may not
be evident or lack
relevance or
integration. There
is scope to deepen
the analysis.
Evaluates the work
with a good level
of analysis. May
descriptions of the
project but some
relevant academic
references are
included. There
may be scope to
deepen the
Provides a solid and
well supported
analysis that
considers the
impact of aesthetic
and technical
choices on the
experience of the
work. Academic
references are
highly relevant and
well integrated.
Provides an excellent,
insightful, and very
well supported
analysis that
considers the impact
of aesthetic and
technical choices on
the experience of the
work and
demonstrates a
convincing, high
degree of
engagement with the
Depth of
and analysis
with regard
to issues
The case study
lacks an adequate
degree of analysis
relevant project
features and
design issues. Key
project features or
design issues may
be missed or have
inadequate detail.
The case study
displays a
reasonable degree
of analysis
concerning relevant
project features
and design issues.
These are covered
with generally
reasonable detail.
understanding of
relevant design
issues, but some
may have been
The case study
displays a good
degree of analysis
concerning project
features and
design issues.
These are covered
in good detail.
demonstrate good
understanding of a
range of relevant
issues but there
may be scope for
further discussion
of certain key
The case study
displays a strong
degree of analysis
concerning project
features and design
issues. These are
covered in solid
detail. Students
demonstrate strong
understanding of
relevant issues such
as context, platform
choice, interface
design, structure
and navigation, user
experience, social
media integration
or innovation and
convey this well.
The case study
displays an excellent
degree of analysis of
project features and
design issues. These
are covered in
excellent detail.
understanding by
addressing a range of
relevant design issues
across context,
platform choice,
interface design,
structure, navigation, Case Study Analysis
user experience,
social media
integration or
Observations and
analysis are
conveyed with
impressive insight