BlogguideClient Report Assignment

August 9, 2021by Dataman0

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Client Report Assignment Client Report Assignment Instructions


Step 1: Locate the Client Report Assignment.

  • Find the Client Report Assignment for your specialty (Client Report: Reading Assignment or Client Report: Mathematics Assignment).


Step 2: Choose a school-aged client.

  • If completing the Client Report: Reading Assignment, select a client from grades 1-12. The client should be able to read at least at first-grade reading level, answer questions orally about the test, and retell the story.
  • If completing the Client Report: Mathematics Assignment, select a client from grades 1-6.
  • You may select a student in your classroom, school, or community/church if you are not in a school.
  • If no other options exist, you may select a family member or one of your own children who has academic struggles. They must be school-aged.


Step 3: Fill out the first page of the Client Report Packet.

  • In the top portion of the page, fill in the examiner’s name (you) and the client’s FIRST name, age, and grade.
  • Client Background: In paragraph form, describe the client’s academic background and experience. Be thorough in your narrative description and be sure to add if your client is in general education or special education.
  • List of Assessments: The middle section of the page has a list of the assessments. You will not complete anything in this section. It provides a list of assessments that you will use to collect data on the client.
  • Assessment Results & Recommendations: This section will be filled in AFTERyou complete the battery of tests/surveys. You will provide a narrative description of test behavior and an explanation of test results on ALL the tests/surveys you gave to your client. Be sure to summarize performance on every assessment in the packet. This section will expand as you type (minimum 250–300 words). Then, you will write a minimum of 2 recommendations for the teachers and family of the client. These recommendations should include specific instructional strategies.


Step 4: Complete the Teacher Referral Form.

  • If you are the teacher of the client, you should mark and sign this form. If the client is the student of another teacher, that teacher (if possible) should complete this form and sign it. You can type the signature since this form is not scanned.
  • Comments should be included. If the teacher does not add comments, please request that comments be added or add them yourself and sign your name beside those comments.

Step 5: Complete the Observation Checklist.

  • If you have daily access to the client, you should try to observe the client during instruction time for several days (preferably a week). If you do not have daily access, you will need to plan a time to observe the client.
  • You should check each of the observed behaviors and include insights for each of the observations marked. If you do not have any or just a few items marked, you will need to explain why.


Step 6: Complete the Reading Inventory or Math Inventory.

  • Follow carefully the administration procedures provided in your chosen manual (see the Course Resources section of the course syllabus for more information).
  • Complete and record the results on each page of the assessment. Refer to the List of Assessments on the first page of the Client Report Packet.
  • For the reading inventory, test for all 3 levels,(Frustration, Instructional, or Independent), so multiple word lists and passages will be given.
  • For the math inventory, choose one test from the MBSP Computation and one from MBSP Concepts and Application based on the grade level of your client.
  • After completing the assessment, scan and attach the required pages to the Client Report Packet.
  • For the reading inventory, the required pages to attach are:
    1. Graded Word List (include all that are used with client)
    2. Graded Passages (include all that are used with client)
    3. Basic Reading Inventory (BRI) Performance Booklet
    4. Qualitative Analysis of BRI Insights
    5. Retelling Procedure (starts on p. 405—include the one that applies)
    6. Summary of Miscues on BRI (p. 415)
    7. Expert Noticing Observation Guide (p. 418)
  • For the math inventory, the required pages to attach are:
  1. Teacher Referral Form
  2. Interest Inventory, Form A or B
  3. Dictated Writing Sample
  4. Observation Checklist: Literacy
  5. Scored Tests based on the grade level of the client – Choose one assessment for each category based on the grade level of the client.
    MBSP-Computations (scored)
    MBSP-Concepts and Applications (scored)


Step 7: Return to Assessment Results & Recommendations.

  • After completing the assessments, go back to the first page of the Client Report Packet. Fill in the last section on the Assessment Results and Recommendations.
  • Include a narrative that is a description of each of the assessments and the results.
  • Provide the recommendations for future instruction that are specific instructional strategies for at least 2 audiences, such as client’s teachers and family. Be sure to give at least 2specific recommendations for each audience with research to support them. If you are not familiar with different strategies, discuss these with current teaching professionals, use internet articles, search research-based strategies, etc. Each audience should be addressed (even if your client is homeschooled) because different roles are provided during different times to help your client. It is important that your recommendations are supported by your testing results and research-based strategies. For example:
  • If your student is below grade level in fluency according to your assessment, you could recommend that their teacher use echo reading and repeated readings.
  • If you observed your student having difficulty paying attention, you could recommend preferential seating.
  • Rememberthat you are the expert completing the testing. Do not recommend for additional testing to be completed by someone else. You have already completed a battery of assessments.

Step 8: Communicating Results.

In LiveText, you will find Test Administration Project.  After completing the Client Report, the candidate will communicate the results with professional writing using a template answering all questions in complete sentences. The candidate will communicate the results to various stakeholders, create a future educational plan, and reflect on the process. When finished, submit the report, Communicating of Assessment Results, in LiveText. The report should also be attached as the final component of the Client Report where it will be graded in your Client Report as a completed component. After attaching this report to your Client Report, you will proceed to Step 9. Client Report Assignment

Client Report Assignment

Step 9: Submit your completed packet to LiveText.

  • Client Report Assignment Submit your entire packet as one Word document, including the scanned pages from the Reading or Math Assessments.

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