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Essential dimension of our humanness We continue our focus on an essential dimension of our humanness, one that is essential to our human dignity and to who we are as human beings – our relatedness. From the moment we begin to exist, we are part of a web of relationships. Respect for the dignity of every person (including ourselves) calls for carrying out our responsibilities toward these relationships. This is what the value of SOLIDARITY is all about. Essential dimension of our humanness
This forum asks you to think about the importance of human solidarity — this time, from perspectives not limited to Christianity. You are invited to think about key points being made about the importance of our human connectedness:
1) Identify what you consider to be the most significant point made by The Dalai Lama on the meaning and implications of UNIVERSAL RESPONSIBILITY. (Be sure to focus on the most important points and avoid spending time on what he says it is NOT.) How does this shed light on or open up a new perspective for you on the meaning of human solidarity/community?
2) Next, identify some of the most interesting or significant points in Mbiti’s description of the lived experiences of COMMUNITY/RELATEDNESS in African life. (Note that I do not want you to discuss everything in his ARTICLE itself: I want you to focus specifically on what he shares about how COMMUNITY and RELATEDNESS are lived out and experienced in everyday life in African culture.) How are these experiences different than what is typically experienced in American culture?
3) Identify and discuss a key point from Declaration towards a Global Ethic that underlines the meaning and importance of human solidarity and of our responsibility toward the human community.
4) Are there things that we could learn from cultures or religions other than our own about how to live out our call to relatedness/community/solidarity well? Essential dimension of our humanness