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History Description Essay Assignment
Below is the final paper requirement
Only the outline is required
In the primary source essay, you are expected to demonstrate your ability to critically read a collection of primary sources and relate it to the broader themes, concepts, and historical processes discussed throughout the course.
Es.says should be 4 to 6 pages long (double-spaced). The assignment is divided into two parts: the es.say outline and the es.say itself. I will provide feedback on the es.say outline to help you succeed in the final essay. History Description Essay Assignment Help
The es.says should include a critical description of the chosen set and respond to the following interrelated questions:
1. Why is the chosen primary source set important? What historical process(es) does it reflect?
2. The primary sources present: What was the broader historical context of the document’s production? In other words, what was happening in the world at the time that may have influenced the how and why of the documents’ production? History Description Essay Assignment Help
3. The chosen primary sources set past and future:
4. What historical processes that happened before the chosen set may help explain the sources’ context of production? (e.g. The document set on the Atlantic revolutions may be related to colonialism in the Americas, Slavery, etc.; or the film about Algeria may be related to new imperialism, World Wars, etc.).
5. What historical process that happened after the chosen set may be partially explained by the context of production of the chosen set? (e.g. the document on the conquest of Mexico may be related to new imperialism through a comparison between 16th and 19th-century imperialism; the Atlantic revolution set may be related to the industrial revolution, nation-building and citizenship, later the Great Depression, and so on). History Description Essay Assignment Help
Make sure to explain the relationships among the historical phenomena you will be referring to in your discussion of the chosen primary sources set.
You are not required to distribute your text equally to answer each question. You may have just a few sentences about some of the questions, and a few paragraphs focused on one or two questions. This will give you the freedom to discuss the topics are more interested in.
You are not required to cite outside sources in your es.say, but you can do so if you want to. In this case, please, include the proper citation reference.
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